School functions are great, when parents and volunteers come to help the teachers set up the furniture, food and decorations. It's a wonderful time to socialize and get to see parents and community personnel working together for the benefit of the children. Residential schools that cater for children with special needs always have a lot of heaven sent volunteers that help round the clock. They work along side the regular staff and assist in whatever way necessary. In a facility where adolescents were living, I have seen many volunteers love the teenagers like their own kids and getting so attached to them. Many of these students do not have functional homes or parents to care for them. The excellent job done by the volunteers, mostly senior citizens who had lots of time and experience in caring for children was highly commendable.
Last week I went to the nearby hospital to visit a friend. The wide front door opened and I approached the reception desk to ask where to find my friend. It was an eye opener to hear the warm welcome, and listen to the pleasant voice giving the directions. She even offered to come down the corridor if needed. It was such a joyful welcome that I will always remember it. Usually staff at hospitals are busy and do not communicate well with visitors. On my way out I returned to the reception desk just to thank the lady for her help. There was no one in line and we exchanged a few sentences, she was a volunteer just helping out once a week and enjoyed doing the experience of helping others.
Have you ever noticed volunteers at work$%: Because they choose to do it, at their convenience, with a lot of motivation and zeal, the job done, is always great. Some youngsters do voluntary work to decorate their resume. But by and large volunteers perform a dedicated job. If they are unhappy or stressed they always leave and find something else to do. Most schools and health organizations welcome volunteers and often give them some incentives to stay on. I have volunteered in many places and I have been enriched. There is so much to learn from others, which we do not find in a book, or among a small circle of friends. The sense of satisfaction that you have assisted someone in time of need is wonderful.
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The children at Sunday school often sing, 'Jesus, wants me for a sunbeam, to shine for Him each day." I was singing it to myself this afternoon and want to share some thoughts with you. Our Lord the Creator, who is omnipotent and omnipresent wants us to shine for Him. He expects us to please Him in whatever we do and say. He calls us to be His witnesses and wants us to volunteer to be sunbeams for Him. The sun which He has created is the source of all energy, light and heat, we as the sunbeams will only reflect the glory of the sun. In this world of darkness we are asked to let the beauty of Jesus be seen in us. There is a task that the Lord has prepared for each one of us. The need today is for us to be sunbeams in our world of darkness. Each one of us who have tasted that the Lord is gracious is invited to shine for Him. Our Savior, who is the Light of the World can dispel the darkness of sin. Many people will come to know the saving grace of God if we are willing to be sunbeams for Him. May the Lord help us to see the need around us and shine for Him in all that we say and do.
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